
以Tenbrunsel and Smith-Crowe倫理決策模型探討餐旅系學生之倫理察覺與決策行為


An Exploration Study about the Moral Awareness and Decision Making of Students Majored in Hospitality Based on Tenbrunsel and Smith-Crowe's Ethical Decision Making Model




林晏瑜(Yen-Yu Lin);謝炎君(Yen-Chun Hsieh);林栢章(Po-Chang Lin);林玥秀(Yueh-Hsiu (Pearl) Lin)


倫理察覺 ; 倫理決策 ; 理性 ; 直覺 ; 餐旅倫理困境 ; Moral awareness ; Ethical decision making ; Rationality ; Intuition ; Hospitality ethical dilemmas




22卷3期(2016 / 12 / 01)


251 - 276




近年餐旅產業和其倫理議題受到重視,本研究以Tenbrunsel and Smith-Crowe 模型,探討餐旅系學生面對倫理事件的倫理察覺與行為決策。藉由十個餐旅倫理事件情境並以250 名餐旅科系學生為調查對象,分析發現:(一)逾54.4%大學生無法正確察覺倫理事件,對倫理事件的認識、判斷有待加強。(二)行為決策時,達77.2%大學生採取倫理行為,顯示倫理察覺與決策行為存在不一致,代表察覺到決策間缺乏必然連結,隱含其他情境因素之影響。(三)不同事件情境間之察覺與決策反應有很大差異,也顯示情境因素之影響力。(四)倫理察覺和決策行為間僅於少數情境中達顯著關聯,與過去學者的理論論點不同。本研究結果可了解餐旅系學生的倫理察覺能力與決策反應,作為教育改善與未來研究之依據。


Hospitality has become a core industry and the ethics issues relating to hospitality are gaining importance. This study adopts the ethical decision-making models of Tenbrunsel and Smith-Crowe to explore students’ moral awareness and decision-making when they face a moral dilemma. This study used dozens of different scripts for moral events in hospitality. The research subjects were 250 college students majoring in hospitality management. The results found the following: (1) The ratio exceeded 54.4%, indicating that a large percentage of students cannot make the right judgment in ethical situations. Their ability in recognition, awareness and judgment needs to be strengthened. (2) When making ethical decisions, 77.2% chose ethical behavior. The results show that there is significant inconsistency between moral awareness and ethical decision-making, indicating that there is a lack of connection between moral awareness and ethical decision-making during the recognition process, implying there is an influence of other situational factors. (3) The results also found that, in different situations, the responses to moral awareness and ethical decision-making demonstrate significant differences, which once again shows the influence of situational factors. (4) The independence test about moral awareness and ethical decision-making in this study demonstrate a significant correlation in only a few situations, which is slightly different from the theoretical perspectives of some scholars in the past. The research results of this study not only demonstrate the need to understand awareness and ethical decision-making when encountering ethical dilemmas, but also offer guidance and a basis for improvements in ethical education. It could also lead the future research direction of hospitality ethics. The results of this study not only can help us to understand the students’ moral awareness and decision-making abilities, but also offer a basis for improvements in ethical education and future research direction of hospitality ethics.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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