


Inside Hotel Corporate Contract: Mediocre vs. Attractive




王國欽(Kuo-Ching Wang);楊倩姿(Chien-Tzu Yang);巫玫慧(Mei-Hui Wu);李雅惠(Ya-Hui Lee)


獎勵方案 ; 企業客戶合約書 ; 商務客 ; reward program ; corporate contract ; business traveler




22卷3期(2016 / 12 / 01)


277 - 309




商務型合約帶來飯店來客數與高利潤營收。學理上,多數探討飯店業者與顧客間關係(B2C),鮮少針對飯店業者與企業客戶(B2B)如何維繫長期合作關係,過往更無飯店合約書相關研究。實務上,飯店合約書扮演重要角色,因屬於高機密文件且取得不易。本文首次大規模調查27 家五星級飯店合約書,透過質化與量化方式建構合約書之七大構面與三種獎勵方案。並以三種獎勵方案的新合約作為實驗刺激,調查企業客戶的住宿意願,研究共獲160 份問卷。結果顯示:(1)現金回饋獎勵方案對住宿意願有顯著差異。(2)一份具影響力之合約書,涵蓋「可提升整體飯店企業客戶合約書之品質」、「能滿足大部分公司的需求」及「能夠帶給企業客戶更多實質上的價值」三大內容。


Commercial contract is an important device to attract customers and yield high profit. In prior hotel related studies, B2C relationship is the chief focus, few research centered on the B2B. To the knowledge of the authors, there have been no studies that have considered the hotel corporate contract. Hotel corporate contract is generally confidential and uneasy to obtain. This study represents the first one to provide an initial assessment of the hotel corporate contracts from 27 five-star hotels. Based on qualitative and quantitative analysis, the study identifies seven constructs of hotel corporate contracts and three hotel incentive programs. With the new contract plus the three incentive programs, 160 respondents were invited to examine their willingness to stay. The study results are as follows. First, hotel corporate contracts which include incentives have the highest significance. Second, an attractive corporate contract needs three elements, "This is best way to improve the quality of hotel corporate contracts", "This hotel corporate contract meets a need for many corporate companies" and "This hotel corporate contract can give corporate customers real value".

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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