


Dynamic Simulation of the Development and Trends of International Tourist Hotel Industry in Taiwan




蕭志同(Chih-Tung Hsiao);劉仲戌(Chung-Shu Liu);校正興(Cheng-Hsing Hsiao)


旅館產業 ; 產業發展 ; 政策分析 ; 系統動態學 ; 決策模擬 ; hotel industry ; industry growing trend ; policy analysis ; system dynamics ; strategy simulation




22卷3期(2016 / 12 / 01)


311 - 338






The operation of hotels comes to mind when talking about the development of the tourism industry. The Taiwanese hotel industry had gone through recession and re-growth. Finding the most effective mode of growth has become the most important issue. This research applies system dynamics to study the structure, development pattern and trends of Taiwan’s international tourist hotel industry. Through literature reviews and interviews, the general and the salient characteristics of Taiwan’s hotel industry were identified. In addition, three key causal loops were discovered in the system. Various factors interact with each other, forming a complex and dynamic structure. This research found that the main influence of Taiwan’s international tourist hotel industry development is the investment strategy. By simulation the increase of the number of tourists and the improvement of the service quality will eventually result in increased revenue and profits, and will lead to even more investment. According to the simulation results, owners of hotels should evaluate investments cautiously. Overinvestment in the industry will result in a decline in average occupancy rates, and thus affect industry profitability. The government should consider regulating the total number of rooms. In addition, the government can also hold large-scale exhibitions to attract foreign tourists and increase the maximum number of mainland tourists to Taiwan to enhance the development of the hotel industry.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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