


Make the Best of It: Using the Strategy of Benefit Focus Shift to Elevate Dietary Consumption Value




陳建中(Chien-Chung Chen);廖淯菘(Yu-Sung Liao)


利益焦點 ; 利益焦點轉移 ; 產品屬性 ; 過程利益 ; 結果利益 ; benefit focus ; benefit focus shift ; product attribute ; process benefit ; outcome benefit




23卷2期(2017 / 06 / 01)


157 - 188




人們傾向選擇性地只關注在產品的部分利益上,使產品的多元價值無法被完全彰顯。本研究提出利益焦點概念,主張人們受產品屬性影響,造成消費過程或結果兩階段利益焦點不均衡,而偏重在過程利益或結果利益上。本研究對此提出利益焦點轉移策略,依產品屬性, 在適當時機以服務來協助轉移焦點,引導消費者重視受忽略階段之利益,因而提高了消費價值。以餐飲服務為實例,研究一採方法目的鏈,揭示出歡樂(功能)屬性產品的過程利益大(小)於結果利益的現象命題;研究二以實驗實證利益焦點轉移策略,當歡樂(功能)性產品在消費後(前)以服務提示其結果(過程)利益時,觀察到在其利益知覺、願付價格、購買意願與評價態度等依變項上有顯著的提升效果。


Products often have multiple benefits; however, people tend to focus on only part of them so their value is not fully manifested. This research proposes a new concept, benefit focus: that is, people are influenced by product attributes and this phenomenon causes imbalance between the consuming process and outcome. In other words, people are likely to focus more on either process benefits or outcome benefits. Meanwhile, this research proposes a strategy, benefit focus shift, which helps shift consumers’ focus via service at a proper time according to different product attributes to elevate consumption value. This research uses restaurant service as an example. Study 1 uses the qualitative method of a means-end chain and the result shows that hedonic products have more process benefits than outcome benefits while utilitarian products have more outcome benefits than process benefits. Study 2 uses the experimental method to validate the focus shift strategy by using service to hint at the outcome benefit after consumption of hedonic products and also by using service to hint at the process benefit before consumption of utilitarian products. This strategy balances the gap upwardly between the two stages of consumers’ benefit perceptions and thus effectively increases willingness-to-pay, purchase intention, and evaluation attitude.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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