


Job Adversity and Career Resilience of Food and Beverage Staff




林劉淑娟(Shu-Chuan Linliu);李宛宸(Wan-Chen Li)


餐飲業 ; 韌性 ; 社會支持 ; 訪談法 ; 內容分析法 ; food and beverage ; resilience ; social support ; interview ; content analysis




23卷3期(2017 / 12 / 01)


239 - 272




餐飲從業人員面臨工作逆境,如何透過職場韌性歷程以突破其職涯障礙是其關鍵。研究目的在利用Patterson and Kelleher (2005)韌性歷程,瞭解台灣餐飲從業人員職場逆境與其韌性歷程,藉此初擬從業人員韌性歷程之概念模型。本研究為立意抽樣法,使用深度訪談法之半結構式訪談法、敘說分析法及內容分析法蒐集分析受訪者資料。結果發現,餐飲從業人員在工時長、工作負荷量大、情緒勞動等的工作逆境下,容易引發身心疾病與壓抑情緒等問題,其以順從忍耐、反覆練習、主動學習、獨立操作以及同事與主管支持等方式與逆境產生對應,進而培養個人晉升與創業的韌性強化能量。研究結果協助餐飲業者和從業人員檢視職場逆境與瞭解職場韌性歷程,以期調整雙方的職場態度。


Utilizing career resilience to overcome career-related barriers is a critical key for the food and beverage industry. The study uses the resilience process proposed by Patterson and Kelleher (2005) to understand how the food and beverage staff develops resilience capacity to achieve resilience when they suffer adversity. Ten respondents were recruited through purposive sampling. This paper used qualitative research to collect data: semi-structured interviews, in-depth interviews, content analysis and narrative analysis. The results found that it was common for the food and beverage staff to develop physical and mental illnesses and negative emotions in the workplace. To deal with these challenges, the workers developed these strategies: obedience and patience, repeated practice, work independence, and support from colleagues and supervisors. Using these strategies can help with career advancement and resilience. These findings can assist the industry practitioners to understand career adversity and resilience so as to facilitate positive career attitudes.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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