


The Same Message Makes Different Memories: Proper Matches of Hotel Product Knowledge and Message Types Strengthen Persuasion and Memory




陳建中(Chien-Chung Chen);廖淯菘(Yu-Sung Liao)


產品知識 ; 訊息類型 ; 資源適配理論 ; 說服力 ; 記憶 ; product knowledge ; message types ; resource-matching theory ; persuasion ; memory




24卷2期(2018 / 08 / 01)


117 - 142






For consumers with different product knowledge, which types of hotel messages are more persuasive and easy to remember: details of numbers and technical terms or simply words describing product benefits? Proper matches of consumers' product knowledge and type of advertisement messages will create better marketing communication effects. This study analyzed advantages and disadvantages of different matches to recommend the proper match that works the best for persuasion and memory performance. The results of two experimental studies show that benefit messages are more persuasive to consumers with lower hotel knowledge and create better performance in recognition and free recall. On the other hand, attribute messages are more persuasive to consumers with higher hotel knowledge and create better performance in free recall. Theoretically this study expands the resource-matching theory and offers practical strategies and guidelines for the hotel industry.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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