


Representation of History in Travel Narrative: Relationships between Spatial Components and Senses in the Monumental Site




黃孝璋(Hsiao-Chang Huang);李晶(Ching Li)


經驗 ; 記憶 ; 空間元素 ; 遊記 ; 內容分析法 ; experience ; memory ; spatial components ; travel narrative ; content analysis




24卷2期(2018 / 08 / 01)


177 - 205






The major challenge of monuments is to connect past history with the present for the tourists. This research analyzed the literature to better understand past history and reflect past events to redefine monuments. The purpose of this research is to develop a framework based on various experience and memory through literature review and re-examine history. In this research, the 228 Incident was chosen to represent a historic event and three related monuments were selected as different types of research fields. Travel narratives were applied as study contexts to discuss relationships between spatial components of the monuments and tourists' senses from history. The results indicate spatial components with interactivity or historic representation can develop visitors' perception of history and universal values. Daily spatial components are associated with personal senses such as past experience and nostalgia. Tourists' local perception is linked to a recommendation to revisit the site. This research provides suggestions to enhance tourists' experiences of monuments in order to understand their significance of monuments.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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