
Sustainable Intention to Satisfaction: The Multiple Mediators of Motivation and Value Evaluation






劉志興(Chih-Hsing Liu);洪久賢(Jeou-Shyan Horng);周勝方(Sheng-Fang Chou);黃永全(Yung-Chuan Huang);陳穎群(Ying-Chun Chen);李威龍(Wei-Long Lee)


sustainable intention ; motivation ; satisfaction ; value ; novelty ; 永續意向 ; 動機 ; 滿意度 ; 價值 ; 新穎性




24卷3期(2018 / 12 / 01)


321 - 351




Over the past few years, tourism research has raised critical issues of individual and contextual behavioral factors about environmental protection during leisure activities. To address and extend these issues, the present study developed and tested a new integrated model of how intention towards sustainability affects tourist motivation and value evaluation, and enhances satisfaction. In the main dimension analysis, the results of this study of 642 tourists show that intention towards sustainability was positively related to tourist motivations of relaxation, excitement and learning, and further influences their evaluation of novelty and overall value, thereby improving satisfaction. This study further conducted sub-dimension analysis of motivation and value evaluation. The results of the sub-dimension analysis demonstrate relaxation affects excitement and learning via novelty. Thus, the results confirm that novelty, excitement, and learning play a mediating role between relaxation and overall value. We discuss how this intriguing multiple mediation mechanism can be explained by using theory and research.



主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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