


A Research of Customer's Memory, Restaurant Attachment and Restaurant Loyalty from the Perspective of Experience Economy for Rural Restaurants




劉瓊如(Chyong-Ru Liu);黃文雄(Wen-Shiung Huang);簡佩平(Pei-Ping Chien);白如玲(Ru-Ling Pai)


農村餐廳 ; 體驗經濟 ; 記憶 ; 場所依戀 ; rural restaurants ; experience economy ; memory ; place attachment




25卷1期(2019 / 04 / 01)


103 - 131






The Stimulus-Organism-Response Theory is used to build an experience economy model to find out how an experience economy influences restaurant loyalty by one's perception, emotion and intention. A total of 303 valid questionnaires were collected from two Farm Mother rural restaurants in Southern and Central Taiwan, including the Female Cook by the Road in Fenchihu mountain area and the Fragrant Wormwood Garden in Huatan plain area. The results show that an experience economy has a positive effect on tourist memories with escapism having the strongest influence, followed by interpersonal relationships, health concerns and education. Moreover, memory has a positive effect on restaurant attachment. Restaurant attachment has a positive effect on loyalty. Furthermore, restaurant attachment fully mediates the relationship between memory and restaurant loyalty. Finally, managerial implications and suggestions for future research are also discussed.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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