


A Study of Relationship between Banquet Restaurant Selection Factors and Consumption Value Model in Chinese Wedding




萬同軒(Tung-Hsuan Wan);翁振益(Jehn-Yih Wong);駱俊賢(Chun-Hsien Lo)


中式婚宴 ; 婚宴餐廳選擇因素 ; 消費價值模式 ; Chinese wedding banquet ; Banquet restaurant selection factors ; Consumption Value Model




26卷2期(2020 / 08 / 01)


123 - 154






In traditional Chinese general concept, Wedding banquet is a place where parents compare wealth and connections, It's also a symbol of life and family continuity and inheritance. This is considered a major consumer activity by two generations, Likely to result in different expectations of each other and a difference. This study uses focus groups and modified Delphi method, Get the suitability of wedding restaurant selection factors and consumption value models. Then used In-depth interviews and content analysis, Understand the reasons for differences in each other's preferences and decisions formed.. Suggest brides and grooms: 1. Think more about guest needs, 2. Communicate with parents, 3. Host two wedding parties. Suggest parents: 1. Don't use the financial support to be communication conditions, 2. Let brides and grooms have decision-making power, 3. Find a wedding consultant company. Suggest industry supervisor: 1. Enhance the quality of projects, 2. Don't give discounts and offers. 3. Precautions network comment, 4. Strengthening employee training.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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