


Cross-Level Analysis of the Effect of a Smart Tour Guide App on Tour Leader Performance




曹勝雄(Sheng-Hsiung Tsaur);張金明(King-Ming Chang)


跨層級分析 ; 領團App績效 ; 互動品質 ; 帶團表現 ; 旅遊滿意度 ; cross-level analysis ; tour guide app performance ; quality of interaction ; tour leader performance ; tourism satisfaction




27卷2期(2021 / 08 / 01)


137 - 165






Although travel-related apps are prevalent, the development and use of apps for tour leaders are scarce and relevant studies are lacking. The objective of the present study was to perform cross-level analysis of hierarchical linear modeling to explore how the performance of a smart tour guide app affects the quality of interaction between tourists and tour leaders, tour leader performance, and tourist satisfaction. By performing purposive sampling, this study selected tour leaders and tourists of package tours as the respondents. A total of 47 sets of questionnaire responses were collected from 47 tour leaders and 470 tourists. The results revealed that from the perspectives of both tour leaders and tourists, the tour guide app's performance had positive effects on the quality of interaction, tour leader performance, and tourist satisfaction. In addition, this study discussed the managerial implications and proposed suggestions for future research.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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