


A Study of the Dynamic Capabilities of Cultural and Creative Businesses Based in Cultural and Creative Parks




林倫全(Lun-Chuan Lin);許嘉文(Chia-Wen Hsu)


文化創意產業 ; 文創園區 ; 動態能力 ; 建構式紮根理論 ; cultural and creative industries ; cultural and creative parks ; dynamic capabilities ; constructed grounded theory




27卷2期(2021 / 08 / 01)


167 - 194






This research intends to explore cultural and creative businesses' capability building process, and research from the perspective of dynamic capabilities. This research examines the capabilities needed for a cultural and creative business so that business owners can reference this information in their strategic development. Additionally, this research maps out the process of building dynamic capabilities for a cultural and creative business. The research results could be used as a tool for cultural and creative parks planning projects, subsidy applications, and business consultations. To focus the research subjects on the topic, the main scope of the discussion and studying targets was limited to cultural and creative businesses. This research began as a set of in-depth interviews; however, as the number of interviewees increased and their background diversified, and after two to three rounds of conversation took place, the research gradually shifted to using constructed grounded theory. This research interviewed 18 professionals in the creative industries. After the interviews were coded for analysis, results were categorized into three capability categories: managerial development, cultural cultivation, and tourism building. The research also developed a flowchart on the cultivation of a creative industry entrepreneur as a reference framework for future policymaking and business management.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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