


We are Agricultural Family: Exploring the Taxonomy of Agritourism Products in Taiwan




林若慧(Jo-hui Lin);董俊陞(Jyun-Sheng Dong);游文宏(Wen-Horng Yu);陳永杰(Yung-Chieh Chen)


農業觀光 ; 農業療育 ; 分類 ; agritourism ; agricultural therapeutics ; taxonomy




28卷2期(2022 / 08 / 01)


131 - 158






With the changing consumer demand and the shift in the tourism market to experiential tourism, agritourism has also derived more diverse and with new types of products. This study used the phenotype classification and marketing product hierarchy systems in order to restructure and classify the Taiwan's agritourism products. The data was captured from 20 leisure agriculture sites and collected 1,010 items. The results show that Taiwan agritourism product can be divided into seven families: (1)Rural accommodation; (2)Local cuisine; (3)Rural ecological experience; (4)Agricultural recreation experience; (5)Rural cultural experience; (6)Agricultural commerce and service; (7)Agricultural therapeutic experience. These seven families contain 20 product categories, 59 product types, and 7 product items. The results will be of benefit in three aspects. First of all, the main contribution is to construct the agritourism product classification system and makes it becomes more suitable to incorporate new types of tourism products such as agricultural business and therapeutic experience into the system. As for the management aspect, the product classification can be used for destination marketing, and can refer to planning and designing the agritourism products. For tourists, it enables them to effectively identify product categories and arrange the itinerary in the rural area that meet their needs.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
社會科學 > 體育學
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