


The Consumer Behavior Study of Broadband Internet User in Taiwan


潘振雄(Chun-Shon Pan);劉根維(Ken-Wei Liu)


寬頻網路 ; 消費者行為 ; 滿意度 ; Broadband ; Consumer behavior ; Satisfaction




60期(2004 / 03 / 01)


1 - 29




據IDC估計至西元2010年,全球上線使用者人數(wired users)將達十億人之多。當Internet的應用日趨多元化,網路塞車(Congestion)的問題已成為Internet是否能進一步應用發展之重大阻力之一,為了解決諸此問題,因此寬頻(Broadband)網路正快速蓬勃發展中。本研究主要探討消費者在選擇購買與使用寬頻網路時所考慮之關鍵因素為何,並針對其顧客滿意度進行深入研究。研究對象為2002年8月1日至5日台北世貿資訊展的參觀民眾,採取系統抽樣方式進行問卷調查。本研究發現人口統計變數與購買行為有顯著性差異,而與滿意度則無;消費者購買行為則與滿意度有顯著性差異。


According to the IDC's forecast, the global wired users would grow up to more than one billion by 2010. Because the Internet applications are getting diversified, the problem of internet congestion, caused by diversified functions, becomes one of the resistances to the issue influencing the development of application software. To solve this problem, broadband Internet is booming to offer more spaces to allow applications to develop themselves with diversified functions and usages. The aim of this research is to investigate the main buying decision-making factors of the users using broadband Internet, surfing on web in Taiwan. It is also an in-depth study on its customer satisfaction. The research sample included the visitors of Information Expo at Taipei World Trade Center from the first to the fifth days of August, 2002, adopting a systematic sampling method with questionnaires.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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