


The Study of Relation between Product Value, Brand Trust, Brand Affect and Brand Loyalty


曾義明(Yi-Ming Tseng);廖本哲(Burn-Chei Liao);簡詠喜(Yun-Shi Jan)


産品價值 ; 品牌信任 ; 品牌情感 ; 態度忠誠度 ; 購買忠誠度 ; Product Value ; Brand Trust ; Brand Affect ; Attitudinal Loyalty ; Purchase Loyalty




61期(2004 / 06 / 01)


29 - 50






This study focuses on the relation between product value and brand loyalty. We define product value as hedonic value and utilitarian value, and then explore the interaction between product value and brand trust and which between product value and brand affect. The results of this study indicate that product value leads to greater brand trust and brand affect; brand trust and brand affect can determine attitudinal loyalty; attitudinal loyalty leads to greater purchase loyalty.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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