


The Effects of Product Attributes, Reference Points, and Valuation Modes on Consumers' Evaluation of Products


張重昭(Chung-Chau Chang);康凱雯(Kai-Wun Kang);張心馨(Shin-Shin Chang)


産品屬性 ; 消費者評估參考點 ; 評估情境 ; product attribute ; reference point ; evaluation mode




63期(2004 / 12 / 01)


67 - 93




同一策略群組(strategic group)中的競爭者所推出的競爭產品常是具有相似性品質(comparable quality)的相似性產品;當然不同品牌之產品雖相似卻未夠完全相同,因此在其中幾項屬性表現上會出現互有強弱的情形,在此種狀況企業所關心的是在何種情形下,消費者對本公司產品的評價會優於競爭品牌。 Hsee (1996) 將產品的屬性歸化為兩種屬性,一是消費者在無其他可比較資訊下無法評斷產品品質表現程度的屬性,是為「不易衡量屬性hard-to-evaluate」;另一是消費者即使在單獨評估某一產品時亦可清楚得知其品質表現程度的屬性,此為「容易衡量屬性Easy-to-evaluate」。Hsee (1996)以「衡量假說(evaluability hypothesis)」來解釋「偏好逆轉效果(preference reversal)」。「衡量假說」發現若目標產品在「不易衡量屬性」上較競爭產品為強,則在「同時評估」時因為可以讓消費者互相比較目標產品及競爭產品,而凸顯目標產品的優點,進而提高消費者對目標產品的購買評價;反之,若目標產品表現較強的屬性是「容易衡量屬性(easy-to-evaluate)」,則目標產品在「單獨評估」下才能以此屬性優勢贏得較高的購買評價。 另外,Hsee (1998)提出「評估模式效果(evaluation mode effect)」指出,當目標產品及競爭產品在屬性表現上互有強弱,且其屬性表現均較參考產品(reference)為強,則相較於將產品同時呈現予消費者(同時評估joint evaluation),產品分開單獨呈現(單獨評估separate evaluation)可提高目標產品及競爭產品的購買評價;反之當其屬性表現均較參考產品差時,將產品放置一起呈現因在同時評估下消費者會把兩項產品做直接比較,放棄採用參考產品所提供的資訊,所以對目標產品及競爭產品的評價均會上升。 實務上消費者在評估產品時,會同時產生此兩種效果;本研究以過去學者研究成果為出發點,同時考慮「產品本身相對於參考產品的屬性表現」及「屬性衡量難易」,探討在不同的評估情境下,「評估模式效果」及「偏好逆轉效果」有時互為抵換、有時互為加成的影響將使消費者對產品的購買評價產生什麼影響? 本研究發現當目標產品在容易衡量屬性表現較競爭產品強時,且其在兩屬性整體表現均優於參考產品時,在「單獨評估」的購買評價顯著高於「同時評估」時的購買評價;但在兩屬性整體表現均劣於參考產品時,其在「單獨評估」時的購買評價和在「同時評估」時的購買評價沒有差異。反之當目標產品在「不易衡量屬性」表現較競爭產品強,且其在兩項屬性的整題表現均遜於參考產品時,在「同時評估」的購買評價會高於「單獨評估」下的購買評價;但若目標產品在兩項屬性的整體表現較優於參考產品,則最後目標產品在「同時評估」的購買評價和在「單獨評估」時的購買評價沒有差異。 本研究在行銷理論研究上之貢獻為:結合「衡量假說」及「評估模式效果」,探討此兩種效果的互動影響,使此兩種效果在理論上獲得更進一步的釐清。根據本研究結果:若目標產品為高品質產品且在「容易衡量屬性」之表現較競爭者來得強,建議廠商應降低目標產品和競爭產品出現在同一通路中的情況,在廣告或促銷方面,應引導消費者將注意力放在「容易衡量屬性」;若廠商推出的目標產品為高品質產品,但其相對於競爭產品表現較強的屬性是「不易衡量屬性」,建議廠商透過行銷方法,教育消費者關於此「不易衡量屬性」的產品知識,使其成為「容易衡量屬性」,而可利用專業通路或引導消費者的廣告或促銷方式來增加目標產品的購買評價。若目標產品為低品質產品且在「不易衡量屬性」表現較強,本研究建議在通路管理方面,廠商應力求和競爭產品置於同一通路中,在廣告或促銷方面,廠商可考慮採用比較式廣告。


Will the products of comparable overall quality be more attractive when presented in isolation and evaluated separately (separate evaluation) or when juxtaposed and evaluated side by side (joint evaluation)? Hsee (1996) investigated a particular type of preference reversal (PR), existing between joint evaluation and separate evaluation, and proposed ”evaluability hypothesis”. According to this hypothesis, PRs between joint and separate evaluations occur because one of the attributes involved in the options is hard to evaluate independently (hard-to-evaluate) and another attribute is relatively easy to evaluate independently (easy-to-evaluate). Hard-to-evaluate attribute means that the evaluator does not know how good a given value on the attribute is without comparisons. Easy-to-evaluate attribute means that the evaluator knows how good the value is. When two stimulus options involve a trade-off between a hard-to-evaluate attribute and easy-to-evaluate attribute, the hard-to-evaluate attribute has a lesser impact in separate evaluation than in joint evaluation, and the easy-to-evaluate attribute has a greater impact. Hsee (1998) proposed ”evaluation mode effect” to explain how judgments differ between these two modes. He concluded that if the options are more attractive than the natural reference used in separate evaluation, then the two options will be judged more positively and have a higher likelihood of purchase in separate evaluation than in joint evaluation. Conversely, if the options are unattractive relative to the reference, they will be perceived more favorably and have a higher likelihood of purchase in joint evaluation than in separate evaluation. In real life, consumers would be influenced by both ”evaluation mode effect” and ”preference reversal effect”. This research shows that if the option is attractive relative to the reference and is superior on easy-to-evaluate attribute, its attractiveness will be enhanced under separate evaluation. Conversely, if the option is unattractive relative to the reference and is superior on hard-to-evaluate attribute, subjecting it to joint evaluation will enhance its attractiveness. And if the option is attractive relative to the reference but is superior on hard-to-evaluate attribute or the option is unattractive relative to the reference but is superior on easy-to-evaluate attribute, the attractiveness will not be different between separate evaluation and joint evaluation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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