


Relative Importance of Frequent Flyer Programs: Application of Conjoint Analysis


陳家瑜(Chia-Yu Chen)


哩程酬賓計畫 ; 忠誠度 ; 聯合分析法 ; 相對重要性 ; frequent flyer programs FFPs ; loyalty ; conjoint analysis ; relative importance




64期(2005 / 03 / 01)


1 - 28




哩程酬賓計畫長久以來為航空業經營顧客忠誠度的行銷手法。國外相關研究曾以單面向角度測量旅客對酬賓計畫的態度,然而,消費者購票及選擇航班的過程,往往是一併考慮各項屬性並予以權衡的結果。因此,一個能夠呈現產品多重屬性的測量方式應更能有效的衡量旅客心中哩程酬賓計畫的重要性。本研究旨在透過多重構面的聯合分析法(conjoint analysis)來測量台灣地區旅客對哩程酬賓計畫的態度。經第一階段的問卷調查,篩選出六項最重要的購票屬性,分別為票價,轉機與否,起降時間,機票可累積哩程比例,哩程獎勵兌換門檻與班次。本研究並選定台北-洛杉磯航線的航班屬性為基礎,設計整體輪廓的評估問卷。研究結果顯示,相對於其他航班的屬性,旅客對哩程酬賓的相對重視程度遠低於票價,轉機與否,起降時間。而對升等與取得免費機票的門檻的重視高於每張機票可被計入哩程酬賓計畫的比例。本研究更進一步將總樣本以性別,收入,出國頻率與旅客出國目的(商務與非商務)區隔,以了解不同市場對哩程酬賓計畫及其他屬性重視程度。文中並針對研究結果探討目前哩程酬賓計畫在航空業行銷功能的角色演變。


Frequent Flyer Programs (FFPs) have been a popular marketing mechanism for the airline industry to build customer loyalty in the past 20 years. Prior research measured the attitude toward FFPs as a single dimension factor to choose air travel product. However, it is believed that passengers, as general customers, consider several attributes and trade-off their importance in the customer choice process. Therefore, this research is projected to use conjoint analysis to study passenger attitude toward FFPs. The full-profile conjoint questionnaire is designed based on the attribute levels of flights from Taipei to Los Angles. The results demonstrate that the orders of relative importance for choosing international airline ticket are: price and ticket restrictions, connection status, departure and arrival schedule, FFPs award level, percentage of flight mileage credited for accruing FFPs of each ticket, and flight frequency. This research also conducts advanced analysis by segmenting samples into gender, income, different type of air travelers as well as air travel frequency. Marketing implications are also discussed at the end of this research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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