


The Relationships among Visitors' Multi-dimensional Perceived Value, Overall Customer Value and Behavioral Intentions: The Moderating Effects of Age


張淑青(Su-Ching Chang);鍾育明(Yu-Ming Chung)


知覺價值 ; 整體顧客價值 ; 行為意圖 ; perceived value ; overall customer value ; behavioral intentions




67期(2005 / 12 / 01)


105 - 136






Because of the tourism industry is facing with severe competition, therefore, it is necessary to explore the visitors' intentions of re-visit and recommendation for tourism development in Penghu. The purpose of this study was to adopt the viewpoints of value-based approach for discussing about the trade-off what the visitors' ”get” (travel quality) and what the visitors' ”give” (pay for the travel price) in tourism service. The visitors in Penghu were selected as study samples; the linear regression models have been constructed and the questionnaire method was used to explore the relationships among the perceived value, overall customer value and behavioral intentions, the moderating effects of visitors' age was discussed as well. The findings indicate the perceived value has significant positive effect on overall customer value and overall customer value has significant positive effect on behavioral intentions, the moderating effects of visitors' age has been tested. On the basis of the research results, the ample and concrete managerial suggestions and segmentation strategy are offered for related tourism industry.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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