


A Study of the Relationship between Social Embeddedness and Technological Innovation-Moderated by Asset Specificity


洪正明(Chen-Ming Hung);陳銘薰(Ming-Shiun Chen)


社會網絡 ; 社會鑲嵌 ; 社會連帶 ; 技術創新 ; 專屬資產 ; Social Network ; Social Embeddedness ; Social Ties ; Technological Innovation ; Asset specificity




71期(2006 / 12 / 01)


106 - 139






This cross-sectional survey research is a quantitative field study for the member of R&D team of IC design house. A theoretical model is proposed for the relationship between social embeddedness and technological innovation, which moderated by asset specificity. Social embeddedness includes two constructs, that is, structural embeddedness and relational embeddedness. Structural embeddedness means the degree of organization control. Relational embeddedness including three constructs, that is, social ties of job/consulting/trust network. The results show structural embeddedness influence the technological innovation insignificantly. The results also show the greater relational embeddedness of job/consulting/trust network will be associated with higher technological innovation. Furthermore, the regression tests show the asset specificity item significantly moderate the relationship between relational embeddedness and technological innovation. For technological innovation, the influence of the informal relational embeddedness of social network is more powerful than formal structural embeddedness of organizational control. By analyses the social embeddedness of job/consulting/trust network, the performance of technological innovation of R&D team member can be explained. It provides the quality of job design and distribution such that the performance of technological innovation will be promoted.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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