


Cross Time Point Study of the Relationship between Marketing Practices and Performance in Taiwan Small-and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)


張惠真(Hui-Chen Chang);林婷鈴(Ting-Ling Lin);蕭偉森(Wai-Sum Siu)


中小企業 ; 行銷活動 ; 經營績效 ; Small-and Medium-sized Enterprises SMEs ; Marketing Practices ; Company Performance




71期(2006 / 12 / 01)


140 - 178






Marketing has been identified as key determinant of company performance in many previous studies. This research aims to examine the relationship between marketing practices and company performance of 49 Taiwan small firms at two time points, 1999/2000 and 2004/2005, in order to identify any key marketing practices that are durable over time. The investigation is based on mail surveys to the same set of firms at both periods. The results indicate the following key marketing practices and show its great consistent influence in firm performance over time: 1.the cognition and use of the ”PIMS” and ”marketing audit” concepts when conducting the marketing strategic planning. 2. Focus on long-run market share in marketing objective setting. 3. To monitor the trends of market share. The findings also suggest implications both to the future research and practitioners.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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