Career development practices or programs generally were designed to fit with organizational characteristics. An effective management career development program must satisfy two requirements. The first one is to meet the individual needs. And match human resource management in the organization is the second, so as to make sure that the company gets the greatest growth without the risk of losing well-developed managers.
This survey focuses on the career development practices for managers and their relationship with organizational variables in Taiwan. The research uses 286 managers in Taiwan industries as sample. And the results support that management ability training, human resource planning system and promotion paths are emphasized mostly among the 18 items of current management career development programs. In addition, both the whole career development program and needs can be divided into four factors, i.e. training program, succession system, leaving guidance, along with career consultation. Among those, the former two factors are emphasized more than the others, and managers' needs for them are higher too.
In addition, all organizational variables have more or less relationship with career development practices. In different sectors, service industry put more emphasis on these practices than other sectors. Firms with larger scale (number of employee), firms located in northern area and public-owned firms have more concerns on career development practices.
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