


The Impact of Ethical Leadership, Trust in Superiors, and Personal Need Fulfillment on Organizational Commitment


方妙玲(Miao-Ling Fang)


倫理領導 ; 對主管的信任 ; 個人需求實現 ; 組織承諾 ; Ethical leadership ; Trust in superiors ; Personal need fulfillment ; Organizational commitment




74期(2007 / 09 / 01)


1 - 40




本研究探討主管的倫理領導對員工個人組織承諾的影響,並考驗信任於倫理領導與組織承諾之間的中介效果,另外,信任對組織承諾的影響可能會受到員工個人需求實現的干擾,亦將予以驗證。倫理領導包含主管人員個人的道德修養以及倫理行為表現兩大層面;組織承諾劃分為情感承諾以及持續承諾;個人需求則區分為經濟、成就感以及友誼三大需求。本研究以問卷收集量化資料,研究對象為台灣企業的現職員工,有效樣本計有224份。 實證結果,主管的道德修養以及領導行為之倫理性對部屬的情感承諾有正面影響效果,而部屬對主管的信任程度具有中介效果;員工個人成就感需求以及友誼需求的實現程度,會干擾信任對情感承諾的影響,而員工個人經濟需求以及友誼需求的實現程度,會干擾信任對持續承諾的影響。除此,根據資料所顯示的現象進而提出兩個命題:(1)部屬對主管的信任程度,受到主管之道德修養的影響,會大於受到主管之倫理領導行為表現的影響;(2)部屬對主管的信任程度會影響其組織承諾,而對情感承諾的影響會大於對持續承諾的影響。


This study examined relationships among ethical leadership, trust in superiors, personal need fulfillment, and organizational commitment. Ethical leadership includes both ethical leadership characteristics and ethical leadership behavior. Personal need includes economic needs, achievement needs, and friendship need. Organizational commitment includes affective commitment and continuance commitment. The research hypotheses were tested using a survey methodology. Subjects in the study included 224 employees from Taiwan enterprises. The data suggested that ethical leadership will be positively related to affective commitment. Trust in superiors mediated the relationships between ethical leadership and affective commitment. Achievement and friendship needs fulfillment moderated the relationship between trust in superiors and affective commitment. Economic and friendship needs fulfillment moderated the relationship between trust in superiors and continuance commitment. Implications of these findings are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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