


The Evaluation of Management Efficiency and Analysis of Influent Factors in Taiwanese TFT-LCD and Its Related Industry


李東杰(Tung-Chieh Lee);吳坤龍(Kun-Long Wu)


LCD產業 ; 資料包絡分析法DEA ; LCD Industry ; Data Envelopment Analysis DEA




74期(2007 / 09 / 01)


99 - 136




本文為探討台灣液晶顯示器(LCD)產業之管理效率,乃針對2003年與2004年有上市、上櫃、及公開發行的LCD廠商,將其分成組裝類與零組件類,分別以DEA方法進行相對效率衡量,作為評估每類內廠商間的競爭力比較;並對影響無效率的可能外生變數,利用Fried、Lovell、Schmidt and Yaisawarng(2002)方法進行顯著性檢定,以獲得較傳統Tobit迴歸分析更具不偏性的估計值,作為了解影響效率原因之參考。 對於LCD產業的投入與產出變數,經由文獻整理與考量資料取得的限制,在投入變數上本文選擇了員工人數、研究發展費用、固定資產淨額、管理及總務費用、推銷費用等五項;而以營業收入為產出變數。另外,外生變數則分別有員工平均年資、員工平均年資的平方、碩博士人數佔公司人數的比例、碩博士人數佔公司人數比例的平方、及LCD類別,以討論較少文獻探及的外生變數對無效率之非線性影響關係。實証結果發現: 1.在研究期間組裝類廠商的總效率、純粹管理效率,均呈明顯改善的情況,但零組件類廠商則不論是TE、PTE、SE,皆未呈顯著改善趨勢。 2.在外生變數檢定方面,員工平均年資對無效率的影響,是顯著呈先遞減再遞增的關係;碩博士人數佔公司人數的比例與無效率的關係卻是相反地,呈顯著地先遞增再遞減影響。此外,零組件類廠商的無效率顯著較組裝類來得低。


This paper tried to evaluate efficiency of Taiwanese TFT-LCD companies which had issued in public stock market during year 2003 & 2004. The Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is using to evaluate related efficiency among these TFT-LCD companies which are divided into assembled type and component type in the paper. The Stochastic Statistical Frontier Approach (SFA) is further applied by Fried, Lovell, Schmidt, and Yaisawarng (2002) to find out the influent factors of inefficiency. It is more unbiassed than Tobit regression in estimating parameters. The numbers of employee、expenses of R&D、net fixed assets、expenses of overhead、and expenses of marketing are used as input variables and the output variable is annual sales in the paper. Furthermore, the average of employee's work years、square of average of employee's work years、ratio of numbers of PhD & Master to total numbers of employee、square of ratio of numbers of PhD & Master to total numbers of employee、and TFT-LCD company's type are chosen as external variables to explain the difference among efficiencies of TFT-LCD companies. The empirical results are summarized as following: 1. Basically, the efficiencies of assembled type's companies show a improving trend during year 2003 & 2004, but the efficiencies of component type's companies are not. 2. The average of employee's work years and square of ratio of numbers of PhD & Master to total numbers of employee display a negative correlation to inefficiency, but square of average of employee's work years and ratio of numbers of PhD & Master to total numbers of employee have a positive correlation. Furthermore, the inefficient degree of assembled type's companies is lower than component type's companies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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