


A Study of Customer Structure and Switching Behavior for the Taiwanese Mobile Telecom Industry: The Case on College Students


李賜郞(Ssu-Lang Lee);張惠真(Hui-Chen Chang)


顧客結構 ; 轉換行為 ; 顧客滿意 ; Customer Structure ; Switching Behavior ; Customer Satisfaction




76期(2008 / 03 / 01)


1 - 19




本研究在探討行動通訊業不同地區之顧客結構差異,以提供業者設計和執行有效的策略來獲得與保留顧客。為探知行動通訊消費者之顧客結構差異,我們將消費者依使用經驗分為「未轉換者」及「轉換者」。再將「轉換者」依其轉換原因分為二群,一群為「非不滿意轉換者」,而另一群則為「不滿意轉換者」;此三群即為一顧客結構。在轉換比率之研究中發現,行動通訊消費者的轉換比率較美國為低,但不同地區之轉換比率則有顯著差異,且不同地區具有不同的顧客結構。 在顧客結構與再惠顧意願之關係上,我們發現不同消費群之再惠顧意願也有顯著差異,「未轉換者」與「不滿意轉換者」之再惠顧意願較高,而「非不滿意轉換者」於下次選擇時較傾向轉換通訊業者。在以地區別為基礎分析,發現北部地區之消費者再惠顧意願最低。北部與南部地區之「未轉換者」在未來較傾向不轉換業者,中部地區則較傾向轉換。我們也發現不同地區消費者與不同之顧客群,在顧客滿意度上有顯著差異。其中又以「不滿意轉換者」之滿意度為最高,顯示因對原業者有所不滿意而轉換者,通常會較滿意於目前業者所提供之服務;其次為「未轉換者」。本研究也驗證了顧客滿意度與再惠顧意願之相關性。


The purpose of this study is to explore the difference of retention and satisfaction among customer groups in the mobile telecom industry. Due to the development of Taiwan mobile telecom industry, we investigated the effect of area and the customer structure. A firm's customer base is thought to comprise two groups of customers: (1) customers who have switched from other service provider (whom we refer to as ”switchers”) and (2) those who have not (the first-time adopters whom we refer to as ”stayer”). The switcher can be further classified into two types: dissatisfied switchers and non-dissatisfied switchers. We have found that (1) there is evidence of a difference in the ratio of switching service providers of the service area, (2) the three groups of customers differ in their overall satisfaction with the service provided by the current firm, and (3) the groups differ in their retention behaviors. The finding offers some interesting implications for marketing practices.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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