


The Empirical Study of Employees' Motivation of Training Transfer


洪贊凱(Tsang-Kai Hung);李昆靜(Kun-Ching Li)


訓練遷移動機 ; 關係品質 ; 教導智能 ; 自我效能 ; motivation of training transfer ; coaching skills ; relationship quality ; self-efficacy




80期(2009 / 03 / 01)


87 - 118






In recent years, 'training transfer' in enterprise education has received a great attention. Although scholars as Seyler (1998) have pointed out that the motivation of training transfer, it does not receive the same magnitude of discussion as training motivation. Some related studies have proved that self-efficacy and management support do have effect on the motivation of training transfer. However, seldom did they focus on the discussion of relationship quality. Moreover, there is no related discussion about the relationship between supervisor's coaching skills and motivation of training transfer. Therefore, the study aims at discussing the mediating role played by self-efficacy between relationship quality and motivation of training transfer; the moderating effect of coaching skills on self-efficacy and motivation of training transfer. The subjects of the study are the life insurance salespersons. The total amount of questionnaires issued is 950 shares and the recovering valid rate is 47.5%. The methodology used to analyze and examine the scale is confirmatory factor analysis. In addition, correlation, hierarchical multiple regression and blocked regression analysis are applied in the process of data analysis arid examination. The study mainly reveals that self-efficacy does play as a mediator between quality of relationship and motivation of training transfer. Moreover, it proves that coaching skill does moderate the effect of self-efficacy on the motivation of training transfer. In other word, through the display of high coaching skills, the motivation of training transfer of employees with low self-efficacy could be enhanced. According to the result of the study, there are three management implications being proposed. (1) coaching skills is one of the key elements to enhance the motivation of training transfer. (2) relationship quality has a crucial effect on employees' self-efficacy and motivation of training transfer. (3) enterprises should pay attention to the related elements which would affect employees' motivation of training transfer.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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