


A Study of the Effect of Experiential Marketing on Festival Images and Revisiting Intention: Taichung Lantern Festival as an Example


周世玉(Shih-Yu Chou);蕭家旗(Chia-Chi Hsiao);陳麒文(Chi-Wen Chen);陳苡廷(Yi-Tin Chen)


體驗行銷 ; 節慶活動形象 ; 重遊意圖 ; 結構方程模式 ; Experiential marketing ; Festival images ; Revisiting intention ; Structural equations model




85期(2010 / 06 / 01)


47 - 70




體驗行銷在各式的商業活動議題中已成為重要的觀念,但過去卻少有研究將體驗行銷的概念導入到節慶活動裡。本研究將Schmitt(1999)的體驗行銷理論與Baloglu and McCleary(1999)的節慶形象形成之概念相互結合,探討體驗行銷在台中元宵節慶活動中所扮演的角色,以及瞭解此行銷體驗如何形成認知及情感形象,並進一步觸動再遊的意圖。使用結構方程模型分析後發現,當體驗行銷能夠在節慶活動中充份表現時,該活動的認知形象會提昇,然而,此體驗行銷並不會直接影響節慶活動的情感形象,而是間接的透過認知形象來產生;此外,當節慶活動的認知以及/或情感形象較佳時,遊客的推薦及再遊玩的行為意圖會提高。研究結果確認了體驗行銷在節慶活動中是影響活動形象及重遊意圖的重要前置因素,此結論可供未來規劃舉辦相關節慶活動時參考。


The concept of experiential marketing has become an important issue in variety of commercial activities. However, there is little research studying experiential marketing in the context of festival events. This study combines the concepts of experiential marketing proposed by Schmitt (1999) and the theory of formation of festival images developed by Baloglu and McCleary (1999) to empirically analyze the role of experiential marketing in Taichung Lantern festival. Using Structural Equation Model, this study found that as experiential marketing can do well in the festival event, the cognitive image of it may be enhanced. Yet, this experiential marketing would not directly affect the affective image of the festival event but indirectly. Additionally, when there is positive cognitive and/or affective images, tourists may be more likely to recommend and revisit the festival event. The results suggest that experiential marketing is an essential antecede factors and give valuable suggestions and references for those who will hold similar festival events.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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