Hsinchu Science Park was established in 1980, there are hundreds of high-tech companies such as integrated circuit manufacturers, computers and peripherals, communications, optoelectronics, precision machinery and biotechnology industries. Both high-tech and traditional manufacturers have lots experiences of offshore outsourcing, which has become an important aspect of the operations. Many companies have lots of experiences of offshore outsourcing, accordingly, this study was aim to summarize the related factors effect on offshore outsourcing by theory of transaction cost, agency theory, resource based theory and resource-dependence theory, that internationalization and strategy outsourcing were also involved. Furthermore, the different analysis of offshore outsourcing on industry types, organizational unit and staff echelon was also explored in this study.
The analytical results showed that, ”core capabilities and technology leadership” and ”interdependent resources” have significant difference on different industries; ”resources exists in special areas”, ”technical uncertainty”, ”risk aversion”, and ”the duration of agency relationship” have significant different on different organization unit; finally, ”core capabilities and technology leadership” and ”the duration of agency relationship” have significant different on different positional level. The final results are summarized and valuable suggestions are proposed later.
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李沿儒、阮甄棋、林縣城、林培欽、周佩燕、洪禹利(2006)。培訓科技背景跨領域高級人才計畫95 年海外培訓成果發表會。經濟部跨領域科技管理研習班。