


The Influential Factors and theEffectiveness on Relationship Learning between Buyers and Sellers: An Empirical Study of the Information Electronics Industry


邱雅萍(Ya-Ping Chiu);宋寒旗(Ham-Chi Sung)


關係承諾 ; 資產專屬性 ; 支援服務 ; 關係學習 ; 關係績效 ; Relationship Commitment ; Specific Assets ; Support Services ; Relationship Learning ; Relationship Performance




91期(2011 / 12 / 01)


33 - 59




在競爭激烈的環境中,供應商與客戶為了增強競爭能力,提升營運之績效,需要透過良好與密切的互動,形成關係學習,便於分享所獲得的資訊、學習雙方的技術與知識交流,共同分擔風險與強化反應市場變化的能力,進而降低成本增進利益。本研究以關係學習為理論基礎,發展研究架構與假設,指出信任、資產專屬性、關係承諾與支援服務對於關係學習的影響,並提出關係績效會受到關係學習的影響。本研究以台灣之資訊電子業者為研究對象,以問卷調查的方式進行資料蒐集,發放問卷給予客戶端的採購部門人員,有效樣本為110份。實證結果顯示:1. 關係承諾對於關係學習有正向顯著影響; 2. 支援服務對於關係學習有正向顯著影響; 3. 關係學習對關係承諾與關係績效間關係扮演中介角色;4. 關係學習對支援服務與關係績效間關係扮演中介角色; 5. 關係學習對於關係績效有正向顯著影響。


In a highly competitive environment, in order to enhance competitiveness and improve the operating performance, suppliers and clients create good and close interactions and form a relationship learning to exchange information and knowledge, share risk and strengthen ability in market response. Based on the foundation of relationship learning, the study develops a research framework and assumptions. We argue that trust, specific assets, commitment and support services are the main factors affecting relationship learning. The relationship learning affects their relationship performance. The empirical samples were companies in electronic information industry in Taiwan. The unit of analysis was a relationship between supplier and client. By questionnaire survey, the total number of samples is 110. The empirical results reveal four findings: (1) commitment has positive influence on relationship learning; (2) support services have positive influence on relationship learning; (3) relationship learning plays a mediator role between commitment and relationship performance; (4) relationship learning plays a mediator role between support services and relationship performance; (5) relationship learning has positive influence on relationship performance.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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