


Relationships among Community Characteristics, Loyalty, and Continuance Intention of Community Users: An Empirical Study of Brand Fan Page Community on Facebook


余朝權(Chao-Chuan Yu);盧瑞陽(Ray-Young Lu);陳映儒(Ying-Ju Chen)


社群品質 ; 社群意識 ; 社群轉換成本 ; 持續參與意圖 ; 忠誠度 ; Community quality ; Sense of community ; Community switching costs Continuance intention ; Loyalty




95期(2012 / 12 / 01)


71 - 100






In the world of Internet, new technology or marketing strategy can be easily duplicated by competitors. This results in little differences between the various websites and as a result, brand loyalty is hard to achieve. Now that brands can create their own fan page on the Facebook effortlessly, the important issue is how to build brand loyalty. This paper classifies the community characteristics into quality, experience, sense of community and switching costs. The research tries to explore the relationships among characteristics, loyalty and continuance intention of the online community. Using the fan pages of various brands in Facebook as the research subject, we collect 606 respondents as samples. We adopt LISREL and SPSS to verify the research hypotheses. The results show that community characteristics are inter-related and all have significant relationships with loyalty. Community quality directly affects loyalty and indirectly affects loyalty through switching cost and community sense. Community experience directly affects loyalty and indirectly affects loyalty through community sense. Loyalty has direct impact on continuance intention. Though switching costs has little direct impact on loyalty, but it act as intermediate variable between community quality and loyalty, hence plays on important role in improving user loyalty.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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