


The Relationship between Organizational Slack and Firms Size: The Multilevel Moderation Effect of BGs Centrality


許旭緯(Hsu-Wei Hsu);趙義隆(Yi-Long Jaw)


組織寬裕資源 ; 跨層次研究 ; 集團企業 ; 社會網絡 ; Organizational slack ; Multilevel research ; Business groups ; Social network




96期(2013 / 03 / 01)


25 - 47




集團企業在東亞發展型國家中佔有極重要的角色。本研究從集團間友好關係網絡來觀察其規模擴張之態勢,以補足社會學從傳統政治經濟論或華人行為論的集團網絡研究缺口。我們透過整體網絡(Whole Network)圖探究誰是最有影響力的市場行動者?並利用跨層次模型(Multilevel Model)來驗證假說。研究結果顯示:集團組織的寬裕資源將正向影響子公司規模;而集團在其友好關係網絡中的權力大小,決定了資源分派的結果,亦對子公司的規模造成正向影響。


Business groups play a vital role in the developing nations of Asia. This study examines the expansion of these groups from the perspective of relationship networks. The aim of this approach was to fill gaps in existing sociological research based on conventional political-economic theory or Chinese behavioral theory. Overall whole network diagrams were used to identify the most influential market actors & multilevel models were employed to verify hypotheses. Results show that organizational slack positively influences firms size. The power of an organization within its relationship network determines the allocation of resources &positively influences subsidiaries.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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