


Prioritizing the Projects of Happiness of Employees by Adoption of Orange Conception


劉仲矩(Chung-Chu Liu);高淑芬(Shu-Feng Kao)


橘色 ; 員工幸福感 ; 幸福 ; 層級分析法 ; 信任 ; Orange ; Happiness of employees ; Happiness ; Analytic hierarchy process ; Trust




97期(2013 / 06 / 01)


61 - 86






The colour of orange is between the energy of red and the cheerful of yellow, it regards to joyful and sunshine. In criminology, the orange represents the meaning of passionate, charming, happily, creative, purposive, attributive, achievable and inspirational. The orange used to regard the feeling of warm and increase the brain permeability of oxygen, consequently bring an encouragement result. In short, the colour of orange contains vitality, confidence and possessiveness. The orange is full of the effect of invigoration, and the characteristics of happy and passionate. The purpose of this research selects Orange Conception to generalize primary and secondary factors for employees' happiness. A total of fifty persons were selected and by adoptions of questionnaire and Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) to examine the priority of employees' happiness, in order to understand the difference from employees' vibration and analyse their priority. This research concludes the six primary factors are Hope, Reliance, Attentively Listen, Guilt, Admiration and Empathy. According to the results of this research, the sequence is Admiration Formula, Reliance Formula, Hope Formula, Attentively Listen Formula, Empathy Formula and Guilt Formula. The third secondary factors are employees' reliance, inspiration system and instant encouragement. Above all, this research provides implications of the theory, experiments of the management and suggestions for later research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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