


The Study of the Effect of Corporate Sports Sponsorship on Performance: The Mediating Role of Image Transfer, the Diluting Effect of Brand Familiarity and the Moderated Mediation Role of Congruence


張玉琳(Yu-Ling Chang)


企業運動贊助 ; 形象轉移 ; 一致性 ; 調節型中介效果 ; 品牌熟悉度 ; Sports sponsorship ; Image transfer ; Congruence ; Moderated mediation effect ; Brand familiarity




97期(2013 / 06 / 01)


87 - 112






The domestic sports events prevailed day by day and stimulated the growth of corporate sponsorship. Sports sponsorship had become the new edge tool to marketing gradually and played an important role in the sports events. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of corporate sports sponsorship on image-transfer and sponsorship outcomes (including purchase intention, word of mouth, sponsor image), and to verify the moderated mediation effect of congruence and the diluting effect of brand familiarity. We selected six-type sports events, and retrieved 638 questionnaires. By adopting CFA, SEM, multi-groups analysis and bootstrap examined model stability and validation generalization. Meanwhile, the results of the study were summarized as follow: (1)Corporate sponsorship had significant positive effects both on image transfer and sponsorship performance. (2)Image transfer had partial mediating effect between corporate sponsorship and sponsorship performance. (3)Congruence had moderated mediation effect among corporate sponsorship、image transfer and sponsorship performance. (4)Brand Familiarity diluted the mediating effect of image transfer. By the way, we also provided practical suggestions and future research directions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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