


Relationship between Fund Managers' Cognitive Biases and Fund Performance


張幸惠(Hsin-Hue Chang);姚名麗(Min-Li Yao)


基金績效 ; 認知偏誤 ; 自我申辯 ; 過度自信 ; Fund performance ; Cognitive biases ; Self-justification ; Overconfidence




101期(2014 / 06 / 01)


67 - 87






The purpose of this study is to investigate if cognitive biases from overconfidence and self-justification influence fund managers' performance. Based on behavioral finance research, this study employs fund turnover ratio and performance rank measured by the lagged fund return as the proxy variables of overconfidence and the change of fund manager as the proxy variable of decreasing self-justification. A set of sample consists of 117 domestic equity funds and the empirical period is from 2001 to 2010. This study employs a panel data model to conduct the estimation procedure. As results, the propensity of overconfidence has a significant and positive effect on fund performance. This implies overconfident fund managers have opportunities to obtain returns with higher risky. The change of fund manager could not improve fund performance immediately because new fund managers have to sell losers held too long by ex-managers and adjust the fund portfolio, which results in underperforming. Robustness test also suggests that cognitive biases influence fund managers' performance.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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