


Influences of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Slack Resource on the Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises


林宏遠(Hung-Yuan Lin);葉幼梅(Yu-MeiYeh);郭于鼎(Yu-Ting Kuo)


創業導向 ; 寬裕資源 ; 策略性規劃 ; 經管績效 ; 中小企業 ; entrepreneurial orientation ; slack resources ; strategic planning ; management performance ; small and medium enterprises




102期(2014 / 09 / 01)


51 - 77






Entrepreneurial orientation is one of the key factors of enterprises adapting to fast-paced and competitive business environments for creating excellent business performance. An organization's business strategy and structure must also be complementary to generate optimal management performance. Accordingly, in this study, the conceptual framework was based on the strategy-structure-performance model to explore how entrepreneurial orientation influences the slack resources and strategic planning of an organization to enhance business performance. Questionnaires were administered to 182 small and medium enterprises in Taiwan, yielding a 13.46% recovery rate. In this study, we observed that the entrepreneurial orientation of an enterprise generated a positive relationship between organizational slack resources and strategic planning activities that organizational slack resources did not necessarily generate positive organizational management performance, and that strategic planning activities had a positive relationship with organizational management performance. Finally, this paper proposes conclusions and suggestions for future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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