


The Influence of Corporate Image, Perceived Value and Website Quality on the Consumer Loyalty to Travel Website


樊祖燁(Tsu-Yeh Fan);劉芳梅(Fang-Mei Liu);吳慈耘(Tzu-Yun Wu)


企業形象 ; 知覺價值 ; 網站品質 ; 忠誠度 ; Corporate image ; Perceived value ; Website quality ; Loyalty




103期(2014 / 12 / 01)


63 - 89






Although travel related products constituted nearly 50% of the Taiwan online shopping revenue in 2012 and most consumers are repeat customers, few researches have used travel websites as the study objectives to research the impact of the website quality on consumer loyalty. It is even rarer researches about the corporate image and perceived value have any impact on the consumer loyalty. Since online consumers are not able to experience products before buying, they often made the buying decision based on the corporate image and perceived value of the goods. The website quality also affects consumers' willingness to buy products on the website. This research used the travel website, ezTravel, as the study objective to explore the impact of travel sites' corporate image, perceived value and site quality on the customers' loyalty. A total of 220 valid samples were collected. The analysis results indicated that corporate image, perceived value and site quality have significant positive relation to the consumer's loyalty. Travel website operators shall ensure the quality of the website, strengthen and shape the. corporate image, and develop value for travel products to enhance the consumers' loyalty. In particular, the corporate image had the most influenced on the consumers loyalty; travel website operators have to plan a lot of effective activities to enhance customers' brand image.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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