
Fitting in Technology Strategy with Customer Value: A Resource-Based View on New Product Development




洪秀婉(Shiu-Wan Hung);詹武強(Wu-Chiang Chan);王安邦(An-Pang Wang);邱繼緯(Chi-Wei Chiu)


技術策略 ; 顧客價值 ; 特徵價格模型 ; Technology strategy ; Customer value ; Hedonic pricing model




104期(2015 / 03 / 01)


19 - 42






The technology development strategy should take into account the present stage of technology life cycle and the enterprise's own capability as well as the driving forces constructed by customers. Previous studies have separately evaluated the influence of technical capability and market demands. However, most studies neglect the concept of fitting in technology strategy with customer needs. This study develops an integrated model to fill the gap between technology development and customer needs. We employed technology life cycle from a patent analysis method and the Hedonic Pricing Model to identify the variables that influence the product price, and evaluated the relationships between the technical capabilities of firms and customers' evaluation activities on the products. These analyses are based on samples from the Taiwan the Third Generation (3G) telecommunications industry 27 valid ones. It was found that 3G mobile phone technology began to develop in 2004 and gradually reached the technology maturity stage. Two features, the main camera and mobile commerce, have impacts on the price of 3G mobile phones. However, the brand has a negative effect on the product price. In addition, the other features do not affect the product price of mobile phones. The time to market does not affect the product price significantly. According to the results, enterprise top managers are able to decide the resource allocations to maximize utility efficiency of the resources and to increase their higher market competitive advantage.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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