


The Relationship between Attitude toward the Parent Brand and Attitude toward the Co-Brand: The Moderating Role of Consumer's Variety-Seeking and Analytical Shopping Trait


林少龍(Shao-Lung Lin);紀婉萍(Wan-Ping Chi)


母品牌態度 ; 聯合品牌態度 ; 多樣化尋覓特質 ; 分析型購買特質 ; Attitude toward the parent brand ; Attitude toward the co-brand ; Variety-seeking ; Analytical shopping trait




107期(2015 / 12 / 01)


61 - 79






The main purpose of this study is to explore the moderating effects of variety-seeking and analytical shopping trait on the relationship between attitude toward the parent brand and attitude toward the co-brand, This study used a pretest and a main study, and fictitious sports drink of fresh juice as the co-branded product. The purpose of pretest is to select core brands and co-brand product. The main study was 3 (Fresh Juice Brands)x3 (Sports Drink Brands), 9 design scenarios. Each scenario was assigned to 30 college students. The data were provided by 267 students. The result reveals that (1) attitude toward the parent brand positively affects attitude toward the co-brand; (2) for consumers with higher variety-seeking in contrast to those with lower variety-seeking, the positive effect of attitude toward the parent brand on attitude toward the co-brand is stronger; (3) for consumers with higher analytical shopping trait in contrast to those with lower analytical shopping trait, the positive effect of attitude toward the parent brand on attitude toward the co-brand is stronger. This study discusses the implications in theory and in managerial practice, and suggestions for the future study.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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