


Bride Secretaries' Entrepreneurial Strategy: Based on Three Perspectives of the New Entrepreneurs of Bride Secretaries, Mentors of Training Centers and Consumers


謝佳宏(Chia-Hung Hsieh);詹宸瑋(Chen-Wei Chan);江季芸(Chi-Yun Chiang)


新娘秘書 ; 創業策略 ; 消費者決策模式 ; 知覺風險 ; 口碑 ; Bride secretary ; Entrepreneurial strategy ; Consumer decision-making model ; Perceived risk ; Word-of-mouth




108期(2016 / 03 / 01)


43 - 63




新娘秘書為近年女性熱門創業行業之一,然而多數人在學習相關職能課程之後,卻面臨就業與經營上之困境。本研究因而探討目前新娘秘書職能養成管道與成效,利用質性研究深度訪問新進新娘秘書、專業補習班之新娘秘書講師、以及消費者,以三方面觀點綜合分析討論新娘秘書的職訓、創業、與行銷策略。研究對象共有11 位,包括4 位新娘祕書、4 位補習班訓練講師以及3 位消費者。研究結果發現,新娘秘書在創業前選擇職能課程時需衡量自身程度,爾後再投入合適的進修管道。另一方面,本研究以消費決策程序模式為理論基礎訪問消費者後發現,消費者為了降低個人的知覺風險,在選擇新娘秘書時會評估業者的實務經歷並希望業者提供創新作品集以供參考,然而這兩項要求卻是新進新娘秘書創業時最欠缺的條件與劣勢。最後,本研究根據訪談結果對新進新娘秘書提出以下創業建議:(1)選擇適合個人的學習及入門管道;(2)製作創新作品集來降低顧客知覺風險;(3)善用網路行銷與口碑效應;(4)加強專業技能;(5)服務差異化;(6)良好溝通與標準化服務流程;(7)建立合作團隊以增加客源並降低投資成本;(8)調適創業心態。


The bride secretary is one of the most popular female venture industries in recent years. However, after receiving the bride secretary training programs, many people find that it is hard for them to start a business. This study thus aims to investigate the bride secretary training channels and the training outcomes of these channels. This study utilities a qualitative research method to interview consumers, the new entrepreneurs of bride secretaries, and the mentors of bride secretary tutoring centers, and then analyzes the bride secretaries' training, entrepreneurial, and marketing strategies. In this study, we surveyed 11 samples from 4 mentors of training centers, 4 bride secretaries, and 3 consumers. The empirical findings indicate that the new entrepreneurs of bride secretaries should evaluate their skills and then select appropriate training programs. Besides, according to the consumer decision process model, consumers will evaluate the bride secretaries' practical experiences and creative works in order to reduce their perceived risk for the potential service failures. However, these two requirements seem to be the weaknesses for the new entrepreneurs of bride secretaries. Finally, this study provides some suggestions for the new entrepreneurs of bride secretaries: (1) selecting appropriate training programs and channels; (2)producing creative works to reduce customers’ perceived risk; (3) utilizing network marketing and word-of-mouth effects; (4) improving professional skills; (5) creating service differentiation; (6) improving communication skill and building standardized service process; (7) building a cooperation team to increase business and reduce investment cost; (8) modifying attitude toward starting a business.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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