
Green Supply Chain Management Studies: Themes, Concepts and Relationships




胡福進(Fu-Jin Hu);林秋娟(Chiu-Chuan Lin);林財源(Tsai-Yuan Lin)


綠色供應鏈管理 ; 書目管理 ; 標籤雲分析 ; 引文分析 ; 共引文分析 ; Green supply chain management (GrSCM) ; Bibliometri ; Tag cloud ; Analysis ; Citation analysis ; Co-citation analysis




110期(2016 / 09 / 01)


67 - 99






The purpose of this study is to explore and discuss the evolution of intellectual structure of green supply chain management research. Author co-citation analysis and social network analysis are used to trace the developmental path of green supply chain management research. To map the knowledge network of green supply chain management studies, the study analyzed 65,000 citations from 1,270 articles published in SSCI and SCI journals in the area of green supply chain management between 2001 and 2012. The results showed that the contemporary research on green supply chain management includes five main research trends: Industrial symbiosis management, infrastructure and product innovation, green procurement, reverse logistics, and resources recycling. This study reveals that researchers analyze the relation between network knowledge and green supply management in a new way, so as to help the academia and practitioners better understand the contemporary green supply management research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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