


To Please Customers or to Contribute to the Society? The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility, Relationship Investment, and Relationship Quality on Customer Citizenship Behavior




吳師豪(Shih-Hao Wu);方姵勻(Pei-Yun Fang)


企業社會責任 ; 關係投資 ; 顧客滿意 ; 顧客信任 ; 顧客公民行為 ; Corporate social responsibility (CSR) ; Relationship investment ; Customer satisfaction ; Customer trust ; Customer citizenship behavior (CCB)




111期(2016 / 12 / 01)


33 - 65




在企業行銷策略中,除了投入心力服務顧客,建立良好關係外,投入資源關懷社會的企業社會責任已成為一種趨勢,亦為企業永續發展的重要策略。本研究採便利抽樣法,以網路問卷方式共取得465 位在星巴客咖啡消費經驗的有效樣本,研究發現:(1)企業社會責任對滿意、信任的影響力大於關係投資的影響力;(2)信任為影響顧客公民行為三構面(推薦、幫助和回饋)最主要的因素,對企業信任的顧客較容易產生公民行為;(3)滿意需透過信任的中介,才能發揮其對顧客公民行為的影響力。亦即,企業將資源投入友善社會的企業社會責任,比企業推動討好顧客的關係投資,更能獲得消費者青睞,並引發其自願產生顧客公民行為,本研究據此,提出具體的理論與實務意涵。


Aside from providing unforgettable service experience hoping to build good relationships with customers, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become a new trend for business organizations to maintain their competitive advantages through participating in social care. This study used convenience sampling method to collected 465 questionnaires through online survey from customers of Starbucks. The results show that (1) CSR holds a greater impact on satisfaction and trust than relationship investment does, (2) trust is the key factor to trigger CCB, (3) satisfaction influences CCB only through the mediation of trust. In other words, corporates obtain more consumer "likings" and generate more CCB when they allocate resources on CSR rather than on relationship investment. Accordingly, this study provides theoretical and managerial implications.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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