


The Impact of Intragroup Conflict and Information Sharing on Problem Solving Competence in New Product Development Projects




陳炫碩(Shiuann-Shouh Chen);唐巧梅(Chiao-Mei Tang);林浩正(Hao-Cheng Lin)


團隊衝突 ; 資訊分享 ; 問題解決能力 ; Intragroup conflict ; Information sharing ; Problem-solving competence




114期(2017 / 09 / 01)


1 - 33




問題解決能力是新產品開發的關鍵因素。在複雜與相依的新產品開發專案中,團員因為人際關係的不相容或工作觀點的不一致而發生團隊衝突,可能會影響團隊成員之間的資訊分享意願。本研究根據衝突理論和資訊處理理論而建立模型架構,以瞭解團隊衝突與資訊分享意願如何影響新產品開發團隊的問題解決能力。我們自台灣前2000 大製造業之廠商中隨機選擇樣本,取得來自於101 家公司之有效樣本202 份。經由結構方程模式驗證研究假說,結果顯示團隊關係型衝突會降低團隊成員的資訊分享意願,資訊分享意願則能增加問題解決能力的數量與品質。雖然關係型衝突對資訊分享意願有反效果,任務型衝突能發揮干擾效果,將團隊人際的不相容轉而聚焦在任務上的不同觀點。我們貢獻於資訊分享意願在團隊衝突和問題解決能力之間的中介效果檢測。另外、任務型衝突能產生顯著的調節作用,降低關係型衝突對於資訊分享意願所產生的反效果。


Problem-solving capability is crucial for new product development. In a complex and interdependent project such as a new product development, intragroup conflicts within a project team caused by interpersonal incompatibilities and/or task disagreements could influence the willingness of information sharing among team members. Drew from the conflict theory and information processing theory, this study develops a framework to exam the impact of intragroup conflict and information sharing on problem-solving capability in a new product development project. We randomly selected samples from the top 2000 manufacturers in Taiwan and collected 202 completed responses from 101 firms. The results from a structural equation model show that relationship conflict has a negative impact on information sharing willingness, and information-sharing willingness has a positive effect on the problem solving capability in terms of quantity and quality. While the relationship conflict would negatively influence the willingness of information sharing within team members, the task conflict is proved to moderate the negative effect by shifting focus from personal incompatibilities to task disagreement. We contribute to this stream of research by empirically testing the mediating role of information sharing willingness between intragroup conflict and problem-solving capability. In addition, the moderating effect of task conflict on reducing the negative influence of relationship conflict on information sharing willingness is noteworthy.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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