


Effects of Customer Participation on Employees’ Innovation in IT Industries - An Investigation of Moderating and Mediating Effects




呂姿瑩(Tzu-Ying Lu);鍾君宇(Jun-Yu Zhong)


顧客參與行為 ; 賦權式領導 ; 創新意圖 ; 自我效能感 ; 認同感 ; Customer participation ; Empowering leadership ; Identification ; Innovation intention ; Self-efficacy




114期(2017 / 09 / 01)


35 - 67




本研究藉由社會認同理論及社會學習理論,探討顧客參與與創新意圖之間的關係;概念性模型中包含兩種型態的「顧客參與」 (Customer Participation)-「顧客訊息提供」(Customer Participation as an Information Resource, CPI) 和「顧客共同開發」 (Customer Participation As A Co-Developer, CPC),與「中介機制」─「自我效能感」和「團隊認同感」,以及「創新意圖」。此外,本文亦探討賦權式領導下顧客參與的影響效果。本研究情境乃針對台灣具創新特質的資訊科技產業 (Information Technology, IT) (包括:科技零組件製造商與企業用伺服器軟體業者等)來進行實證。其中,施測對象必須任職於公司較具創新需求的部門 (包括:研發、行銷、工程、與產品開發等),並且透過多期以及多元資料取樣的方法,來收集本研究的實證資料。分析結果發現:「顧客訊息提供」能夠透過「自我效能感」與「團隊認同感」,有效地影響員工「創新意圖」;若是「顧客共同開發」要對「創新意圖」產生顯著的效果,必須藉由「自我效能感」來影響。在賦權領導下,個體的自我效能感與團隊認同感亦會受到顧客參與而強化。本研究的實證結果,除了深化過去服務創新的學理之外,亦提供若干管理層面之建議。


Guided by social identity theory and social learning theory, we propose a moderated mediation relationship to explain how two types of customer participation-customer participation as an information resource (CPI) and as a codeveloper (CPC)-affect employees’ intention to engage in innovation through self-efficacy and team identification. CPC is predicted to negatively affect employee team identification, becoming a double-edged sword for companies. To test the hypotheses, we conducted a two-phase study that recruited 140 employees working in the research and development teams of two IT companies in Taiwan. The results of this study indicate that CPI affects employee innovation intention through individual self-efficacy and the strengthening of employee team identification. Moreover, the effects of CPC on innovative intention are dependent on self-efficacy. Furthermore, the study investigated the moderating role of empowering leadership, offering insights as to how team leaders can boost the positive effects or weaken the negative effects of customer participation. These findings have significant research and managerial implications.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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