


The Factors that Influence the Turnover Intentions in High-tech Industries-A Role Perspective




高瑞堂(Jui-Tang Kao);張婉菁(Wan-Jing April Chang)


角色觀點 ; 離職傾向 ; 工作敬業心 ; 組織公民行為 ; 工作-家庭衝突 ; Role perspective ; Turnover intention ; Work engagement ; Organizational citizenship behavior ; Work-family conflict




115期(2017 / 12 / 01)


1 - 26




本研究以角色理論觀點提出高科技產業員工離職傾向之整合模型,樣本為台灣高科技產業非主管職員工,採問卷調查法搜集資料 (共發出300 份,有效樣本240 份),以路徑分析方法進行假設驗證。研究結果顯示:工作敬業心和工作—家庭衝突共同預測離職傾向的效果最好;對離職傾向的個別影響效果以工作敬業心最大,工作—家庭衝突次之,組織公民行為最小。在理論上,本研究提出預測離職傾向的模型,釐清不同類型角色變項對離職傾向的影響程度;在方法上,本研究有別於過去之個別探討方式,將影響離職傾向的角色因素同時納入模型,透過降低統計誤差提出更嚴謹之驗證結果。在實務上,本研究提出整合性指標及其重要性順序,協助高科技產業更有效率掌握員工離職議題。


This study suggested an integrative model of turnover intentions in high-tech industries based on the role perspective. The samples were non-management employees of high-tech industries in Taiwan. Data was collected via questionnaires. A total amount of 300 questionnaires were distributed and of which 240 effective copies were collected. Path analysis was adopted for hypotheses testing. The results showed that the joint effects of work engagement and work-family conflict predict turnover intentions best. In addition, the individual factor that influences turnover intentions from most to least are work engagement, work-family conflict, and organizational citizenship behavior, respectively. Theoretical and practical implications, and suggestions for future researches are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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