
Exploring the Adoption Intentions through Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior-A Study on Smart Device Application






蔡合和(Her-Her Tsai);鄭敏芝(Min-Jhih Cheng);洪秀婉(Shiu-Wan Hung);陳品妏(Ping-Wen Chen)


Smart device application ; DTPB ; Network externalities ; Self-efficacy ; Compatibility ; 智慧型設備 ; 分解計劃行為理論 ; 網路外部性 ; 自我效能 ; 相容性




115期(2017 / 12 / 01)


55 - 80




Smart device applications (SDAs) play an important role in today’s society and economy. However, because new SDAs are continually being developed, identifying the factors that motivate individuals to download SDAs is critical. This study applied the decomposed theory of planned behavior to examine how the antecedents of attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavior control beliefs explain and predict consumers’ intention of adopting a particular SDA. In total, 320 valid questionnaires were collected through Google Docs and were reviewed using structural equation modeling. We confirmed the stated hypothesis that attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavior control of SDA adoption affected consumers’ intention to download applications. The results also revealed that compatibility and self-efficacy do not positively influence consumers’ intention to adopt SDAs. Finally, we uncovered that network externalities indirectly impact individuals’ intentions toward the adoption of SDAs.


網路快速發展帶動智慧型行動裝置與應用的興起,在現今消費者的社交與經濟行為轉變有著重要影響。隨著越來越多程式相繼開發,如何吸引消費者特地下載行動應用程式成為現今程式開發者關注的議題。本研究以分解計劃行為理論觀點來檢視態度、主觀規範及知覺行為控制的前因如何影響消費者願意用智慧型設備下載應用程式。本研究採取網路問卷為調查方式回收有效問卷320 份,以結構方程式進行資料分析。研究結果發現態度、主觀規範及知覺行為控制構面亦皆對消費者使用智慧型行動裝置應用程式之行為意圖有顯著正向影響。此外,雖然相容性與自我效能並無顯著影響,但網路外部的因素如人際影響與網路口碑能間接影響個人用智慧型設備下載行動應用程式的意願。

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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