


The Comparative Effects of Underdog and Top-Dog Brand Biographies: The Moderation of Brand Concept Images and Perceived Physical Risk of Products




周軒逸(Hsuan-Yi Chou);許婷媛(Ting-Yuan Hsu)


品牌傳記 ; 哀兵 ; 優勢者 ; 品牌概念形象 ; 產品知覺身體風險 ; Brand biographies ; Underdog ; Top-dog ; Brand concept images ; Perceived physical risk




119期(2018 / 12 / 01)


1 - 39






Using the power of stories to create outstanding brands is a common marketing strategy. In recent years, a new marketing tactic, the "underdog brand biography," has been proposed and used frequently in various industries. This study compares the effects of underdog and top-dog brand biographies on consumers' brand identification, beliefs, attitudes, purchase intentions, and choices. The experimental results reveal the following: (1) underdog brand biographies can increase consumer brand choices more than top-dog ones can; (2) top-dog brand biographies result in better ad effects for products with high perceived physical risk, while underdog brand biographies produce better effects for products with low perceived physical risk; (3) the comparative effects of the two brand biographies differ across the combinations of brand concept images and the perceived physical risk of the products; and (4) top-dog brand biographies lead to better ad effects through the mediation of brand beliefs, while underdog brand biographies' ad effects are mediated by brand identification.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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