


The Evolution of the Theoretical Model of Sports and Leisure Behavior: The Model of Goal-Directed Behavior Perspective






決策過程 ; 行為意圖 ; 欲望 ; 態度 ; 預期情緒 ; Decision making processes ; Behavioral intention ; Desire ; Attitude ; Anticipated emotions




119期(2018 / 12 / 01)


41 - 58




計畫行爲理論是目前運動休閒領域應用最廣泛的理論之一,已被證實於解釋運動休閒行為時,具有預測力。然而,近來有研究認為此理論並未考量動機、情感和習慣性等面向對行為意圖的影響力,因而可能在解釋個人行為上有所侷限。為解決計畫行為理論的限制,本文回顧和分析Perugini與Bagozzi (2001)提出的目標導向行為模式,藉由考量動機的(欲望)、情感性的(預期情緒),以及習慣性的(過去行為)預測因子,重新評估在行為意圖形成前個體決策過程,已被證實對於人類行為之預測效果優於計畫行為理論。最後,本文將對研究方向提出具體建議,以供未來運動休閒行為研究之參酌。


The theory of planned behavior (TPB) has been acknowledged as one of the most widely used theories in sport and leisure domain and has been proven having fair predictive validity of explaining sport and leisure behavior. However, some studies recently argue that TPB fails to consider the influences of motivational, affective, and habitual dimensions on behavioral intentions, thereby may restrict to explain individual behaviors. Hence, to address the limitations of TPB, this paper aims to review and analyze Perugini and Bagozzi’s (2001) proposed model of goal-directed behavior (MGB). This MGB has been confirmed having greater predictive validity of explaining human behaviors over TPB, by redefining and evaluating individual decision making process before intention formation through the addition of motivational (desire), affective (anticipated emotions), and habitual (past behavior) predictors. Finally, this paper provides some suggestions for future sport and leisure behavioral research directions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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