


Research on the Application of Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process to Analyze Human Resource Competency Model Indicators and Develop the Training Curriculum System




陳殷哲(Yin-Che Chen);李彩琴(Tsai-Chin Lee)


知識密集型產業 ; 人力資源職能模型 ; 模糊層級分析法 ; Knowledge-intensive industry ; Human resource competency model ; Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process




44卷2期(2019 / 06 / 01)


87 - 111






Faced with drastic changes in the external environment, rapidly changing industries, and global competition, human resource specialists have expanded their conventional roles of providing administrative management assistance to take part in devising organizational strategies and innovative reforms. The participants of this study were human resource specialists and supervisors in knowledge-intensive industries. The fuzzy analytic hierarchy process approach was employed to analyze the 8 competency groups and 17 indicator dimensions in the Human Resource Competency Model proposed by Ulrich in 2016. The results revealed the weights of the groups, which are presented in a descending order as follows: credible activists (0.247), strategic positioners (0.190), culture and change champions (0.135), human capital curators (0.103), total reward stewards (0.103), analytics designers and interpreters (0.079), compliance managers (0.074), and technology and media integrators (0.070). Finally, the present study provided recommendations on practical courses for training and developing personnel competencies using the Human Resource Competency Model based on the research results.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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