


The New Challenge of Overseas Career - The Study of the Influence of Cultural Intelligence on Career Engagement




陳心懿(Shin-Yih Chen);賴文豪(Wen-Hao Lai)


文化智商 ; 職涯投入 ; 角色內工作績效 ; 越南 ; Mplus ; Cultural intelligence ; Career engagement ; In-role job performance ; Vietnam ; Mplus




45卷1期(2020 / 03 / 01)


55 - 89




本研究目的在探討個人因素的文化智商對於海外工作者的職涯投入及角色內工作績效的影響,同時,藉由本研究來了解本研究中之變項包括文化智商、職涯投入、角色內工作績效等相互間的影響。本研究以來自臺灣在越南的海外工作者為樣本,可以提供因應目前臺灣海外工作者前仆後繼前往東南亞工作之人力資源管理的有效參考。本研究透過網路問卷方式共回收有效問卷218份,資料利用SEM(Mplus 7.0)進行資料分析,研究結果顯示文化智商對角色內工作績效及職涯投入具有顯著正向關係,同時,角色內工作績效對於文化智商與職涯投入之間的關係具有部份中介效果。從本研究結果中得知,文化智商與角色內工作績效對於職涯投入行為具有顯著的正向影響,且文化智商會透過角色內工作績效作為部份中介的機制來影響職涯投入行為。最後,本研究依研究結果針對實務界提出具體的管理意涵,並提供後續研究者未來研究的參考方向。


The aim of the research is to explore the influence of overseas workers' cultural intelligence on their in-role job performance and career engagement. The research will also help to understand interactions among variables including cultural intelligence, career engagement, and in-role job performance. Based on samples from those Taiwanese who work in Vietnam and responding to the current trend of Taiwanese going to Southeast Asia for jobs, this research is to provide a meaningful reference for human resource management of overseas workers in Southeast Asia. A total of 218 valid samples were collected via an online survey. Data were analyzed by using SEM (Mplus 7.0). Analysis results indicate that cultural intelligence has a significant positive effect on both in-role job performance and career engagement. At the same time, in-role job performance has a significant partial mediating effect on the relationship between cultural intelligence and career engagement. Based on the research results, we concluded that cultural intelligence and in-role job performance have an important influence on one's career engagement. In addition, cultural intelligence can influence one's career engagement through the mechanism of in-role job performance. Finally, based on the research results, this study proposes practical management methods for managers and gives recommendations for future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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