


The Impact of Job Crafting on Work Engagement and Job Performance: The Moderated Mediation of Feedback Seeking Behavior




呂俊毅(Chun-Yi Lu);陳麗玉(Li-Yu Chen)


工作重塑 ; 工作敬業 ; 工作績效 ; 尋求回饋行為 ; Job crafting ; Work engagement ; Job performance ; Feedback seeking behavior




45卷1期(2020 / 03 / 01)


91 - 119




本研究以工作需求-資源模式(Job Demand-Resource Model, JD-R)為基礎探討工作敬業在工作重塑與工作績效間的中介效果,另從績效評估觀點探討尋求回饋行為在工作重塑與工作敬業、工作敬業與工作績效間的調節效果,以及尋求回饋行為對工作敬業中介效果的調節作用;研究對象為4家製造業基層非主管員工進行問卷調查,共回收553位有效問卷,研究結果發現工作敬業具有中介效果,尋求回饋行為在工作敬業與工作績效間具有調節效果,且在高尋求回饋行為下,工作敬業在工作重塑與工作績效的中介效果顯著,在低尋求回饋行為下,工作敬業的中介效果則不顯著;在理論意涵方面,尋求回饋行為在工作重塑、工作敬業及工作績效間扮演關鍵角色,在實務意涵方面,工作重塑為組織的工作設計提供由下而上的反思過程,讓員工透過工作重塑重新找回工作的價值與意義,而能更有活力、有效率的達成工作目標。


By the viewpoint of job demand-resource model, the purpose of study is to discover job crafting influence job performance by engaging to the work and the feedback seeking behavior of employees moderates the medication effect of work engagement. The study hypothesized that employees would imitate each dimension of job crafting behaviors, and therefore influence their job performance by engaging to the work. Also the feedback seeking behavior of employees moderated the relationship between work engagement and job performance. We collected data from 553 employees and their supervisors regarding employees' job performance. Results showed work engagement mediated between each dimension of job crafting and job performance. High feedback seeking behavior strengthened the mediation effect of work engagement. We conclude that feedback seeking behavior has important implications for the job crafting, working engagement, job performance and discuss the practical implications of these findings.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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