
The Use and Acceptance of Smart Home by Elderly Taipei Users: An Examination of Senior Technology Acceptance Model






呂志豪(Shih-Hao Lu);簡剛民(Kang-Min Chien);呂釩庭(Fan-Ting Lu);洪承澤(Cheng-Ze Hung);李宜靜(Yie-Ching Lee);鄭仁偉(Jen-Wei Cheng)


Smart home system ; IT ; Gerontechnology ; The elderly ; Senior technology acceptance model ; 智能家居 ; 資訊科技 ; 老人福祉科技 ; 高齡者 ; 年長者科技接受模式




45卷3期(2020 / 09 / 01)


95 - 116




Smart Home products enable the elderly to enjoy life in a healthy, safe, and comfortable way and provide families and healthcare service providers with more convenient and efficient care tools for the elderly. However, making the elderly willing to adopt Smart Home products will be the primary issue for product designers, family members, and health care service providers. This study used the senior technology acceptance model (STAM) and designed a theoretical model to discuss the relationships among gerontechnology self-efficacy, gerontechnology anxiety, cognitive abilities, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and behavioral intentions with structural equation models. Respondents of the present study were mainly the elderly in Taipei Min-sheng Community Center, and seniors studying in the EMBA program of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology and National Taipei University who are over 56 years old. Paper-based and online questionnaires were distributed, and a total of 222 questionnaires were collected. The LISREL results indicated that the statistics showed a good fit (χ^2 /df = 2.31, GFI = 0.85, AGFI = 0.81, NFI = 0.97, NNFI = 0.98, CFI = 0.98, and RMSEA = 0.07) and all hypotheses were supported by the path analysis results. Based on the findings, theoretical and managerial implications, as well as suggestions for future research were provided in this study.


智能家居讓高齡者能夠健康、安全、舒適的享受生活,提供家人、照護人員更方便、有效率的高齡者照護工具。然而,智能家居屬於較新穎之產品,思考如何使高齡者願意採用智能家居產品,將是產品設計者、家人、照護人員的首要課題。本研究使用年長者科技接受模式,設計一個理論模式來探討老人福祉科技的自我效能、焦慮、認知能力、知覺有用性、知覺易用性以及行為意圖的結構方程模型。本文受測者主要來自參與臺北市民生社區活動中心的高齡者及就讀臺灣科技大學及臺北大學碩士在職專班的56歲以上高齡者為研究對象,並透過網路與紙本方式發放問卷,總計回收222份。結構方程模型的統計數據,顯示一個良好配適(χ^2 /df = 2.31, GFI = 0.85, AGFI = 0.81, NFI = 0.97, NNFI = 0.98, CFI =0.98, and RMSEA = 0.07)。徑路分析數據支持本文的研究假設。最後本文根據研究發現,提供理論與管理意涵以及未來研究方向建議。

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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